What County Commissioner contest results will we see ON election night?
The Election Office will release ONLY the first choice ranking results for County Commissioner after 8:00 pm on election night. These unofficial first choice ranking results will be updated along with the other contest results including the final Unofficial Election Night results posting. We cannot generate the full Ranked Choice Vote returns before all ballots are received and tallied. This would include ballots postmarked by Election Day and received in the Elections Office by the seventh day after the election, Benton County ballots returned in other Oregon counties and ballots that are resolved within the 21-day ballot challenge/resolution period. Following the challenge period, the county must certify the election results no later than the 27th day after the election date.
If the race is not close, we may have a good idea who likely won on election night. This is not a big difference compared to previous elections. How many times have we gone to bed on election night thinking a particular candidate or ballot measure was winning in a close race, only to find after all ballots are counted that the outcome had changed? Ranked Choice Voting results are no different. If the race is close, final determination will depend on the counting of ballots returned in another Oregon county, as well as, challenged and provisional ballots all being included in the final contest results.